Peace Steps Project


A project implemented in partnership with the Vento Di Terra Organization and funded by the Italian Development Cooperation. The project aims to promote comprehensive and sustainable economic and social growth in the Bedouin Palestinian communities. One of the important results of the project is that it leads to the dissemination and promotion of economic practices within frameworks of social solidarity and economic integration in order to provide job opportunities and achieve sustainable, comprehensive, and equitable economic development for youth and women, especially in marginalized Bedouin societies in Area C. The implementation of the project started in September 2018 and will end in May 2021. The project outputs are:

  • 250 training hours were conducted for women in the craftsmanship and improvement of technical skills in the field of traditional industries in 6 Bedouin societies. Part of the training was in the field of fair trade and the capacity building program in the administrative field, especially the administration for small enterprises and in the field of employment
  • Trainings were provided for 68 individuals
  • 4 Permanent jobs were created
  • The number of direct beneficiaries reached 534
  • By the end of the project, 90 permanent job opportunities and 39 temporary job opportunities will be created in the local community organizations.
  • Conducting a capacity building program for 20 cooperatives through providing grants of 2,000 \Euros per cooperative
  • Produce a research study (during the year 2020) on socio-economic enterprises
  • 3 international cooperation agreements in the field of training and technical support are signed and the project will ultimately contribute to enhance the developmental and social role of 46 cooperatives in the Bedouin communities in addition to improve the production quantity, quality, and marketing inside and outside the targeted communities.