Enhancing Local Food Security for Most Vulnerable Households affected by COVID-19 across Gaza Strip Project

Project Description: This project is implemented in cooperation with MAAN Development Center and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through the GIZ. It is as part of the project of Strengthening the Resilience of Gaza Population (GRP).

he project is designed to target a number of households in Gaza Strip governorates, specifically in the most vulnerable areas with home-based eco-agriculture units within the boundaries of their home gardens and/or roof top to enhance their food security and economic resilience with specific attention to enhance their coping capacity with COVID-19 pandemic and its harsh impacts on their living conditions. In addition to improve the employability of a number of newly graduates in the related fields.

The aim: Contributing to meeting immediate food needs and enhancing the resilience of the most vulnerable households that have been severely affected by the measures taken to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Gaza Strip.

Geographical area: Gaza Strip

Target groups: The most vulnerable households in the marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip

Donor: The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the (GIZ) Foundation

Partners: MAAN Development Center

Budget: 483,269 EURO

Time Duration: 1/6/2020 – 30/6/2021