Project to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment through competition between youth

The Palestinian Employment Fund, in cooperation with the operating councils in Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Nablus and Gaza governorates, in partnership with the Palestinian Banking Corporation and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), has launched competitions for youth initiatives, with the aim of supporting the establishment of small and micro-income-generating projects. The project providing funds up to $15,000 with zero interest for each of the winning and outstanding projects in the competition, with the aim of creating new jobs for young entrepreneurs, and owners of micro projects. The project will participate to creating jobs opportunities for the unemployed youth, to increase self-employment opportunities and to promote a culture of production and entrepreneurship in Nablus, Ramallah, Al-Bireh governorates and in the Gaza Strip. The project targeted 21 beneficiaries; the project has started on 1st of Dec.2019 and ends at 1st of Dec.2020.