First Employment Facility (FEF)
Program: Skilled Young Palestine (SYP)
Project: First Employment Facility (FEF)
The FEF project aims at increasing young graduates’ employability by bridging the skills gap between higher education (HE) and TVET institution graduates (supply) and the labour market requirements (demand) to provide better-equipped graduates ready to be integrated into the labour market.
The project is based on three main pillars:
• Strengthening partnerships between the private sector and educational institutions through workshops and roundtable discussions aiming at reaching an on-job-training mechanism directed to each selected sector to facilitate the transition of young graduates from the learning environment to workplace.
• Development of a comprehensive On-Job-Training Methodology (a work-based learning scheme), that can be adopted by any private sector in collaboration with the FEF during this project and future projects. The methodology will include ground rules for selecting, contracting and training graduates, and a set of criteria and requirements related to both the employer and the graduate.
• Promoting inclusive employment opportunities and raise awareness on the principles of decent work among private sector companies.
The project targets recent HE or TVET institutions graduates in the West Bank, aged between 18-29 while focusing its interventions on the manufacturing and ICT sectors.