Girls on proximity of setting up income-generating projects after receiving vocational and technical training
The "Employment Generation for Young Gazan Women project" provided an unprecedented opportunity for more than 120 girls. They can establish income-generating projects of their own. This is after they had received long and advanced training courses in preparing, establishing and developing such projects.
The participants of this training program, implemented by the Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection for Workers and funded by the Japanese government through the United Nations Development Program "UNDP" "Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People," have never concealed their admiration for the content of the training package. It gained them the concepts and full awareness of leadership and entrepreneurial skills in establishing small projects. This includes identifying the most important financial, administrative, and marketing problems that facing projects. Moreover, providing practical materials, knowledge framework and skills in project management, and making them on proximity of establishing income-generating projects.
The great interaction of the beneficiaries with the trainers reflected the feasibility and importance of the content of the training package. In accordance to Nabila Nabil Muharram from Gaza City, who expressed her admiration for the high content of the training. She greatly relied on it to help her formulating practical plans to establish a personal project for manufacturing pastries and baked goods.
The content of the training and the goals of the project encouraged Reem Abdel-Rahim Abu Laban, from Gaza City, and pushed her to put aside the specialization of physical therapy that she studied in a university in Gaza and go into the fields of embroidery and handicrafts. Abu Laban found her goal in the training program that gave her the opportunity to get acquainted with and acquire basic and correct skills to create and manage a project in a civilized way. Also, it provided her with the basics of technical and advanced technical work for business.
For his part, the Executive Director of PFESP, Mr. Mahdi Hamdan, explained that PFESP attaches paramount importance to entrepreneurship and the development of small enterprises. He, through the training program, made sure to promote employment through the establishment and development of small enterprises. This is with the aim of providing girls and young women with the necessary skills that enables them to start and manage small businesses.
For his part, Eng. Muhammad Abu Zaiter, Deputy Executive Director of PFESP, said that the training package for the program aims to refine the skills of participants in managing small projects and encourage them. Especially among poor women who want to establish a small business or those who have existing projects.