(PFESP) has held an honoring ceremony

The Palestinian Fund for employment and social protection for workers (PFESP) has held an honoring ceremony on Tuesday in Ramallah City, and The Gaza Strip, to present the winning entrepreneurs and the winners in youth initiative activities with grants and loans that are offered by the PFESP within the guidelines of the Project Start-Up Palestine that is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and the operating boards not to mention with alongside the financial aid of the Italian Agency for development cooperation.


The event’s main purpose was to honor the winners of Start-Up’s grants, who amounted to be around 16 winners from both genders, coming from different governorates; the grant money amounted to $2,500 in order to help these entrepreneurs develop and progress their small businesses.


There were also around 21 winners, again, from both genders, in contests held for young initiatives project, implemented with the help of the Palestinian Banking Corporation, and the operating boards in each of Ramallah, Al- Bireh, Nablus, and the Gaza Strip.


Moreover, the event, a short montage was presented explaining more about the Project Start-UP Palestine, showcasing the products of participants in the project, their benefits and commodities. Also, it’s important to mention that the project Start-Up Palestine has been launched since 2014 through funding of the Italian Agency for development Cooperation (AICS) under the directions of The Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection for workers (PFESP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and its core objective is to support initiators and entrepreneurs from minorities whether it be socially or economical, furthermore the fresh graduates from both genders to help better the social and economic state of the country and to guarantee the sustainability of medium sized companies to small sized companies.


Start-UP includes since the moment it was established, till this day, projects that offer financing services, and technical support for beneficiaries to encourage them to come up with new project ideas and improve the already present ones, in addition to many important development projects that target all the country’s provinces, as well as having a credit line worth 14 Million Euros in the beginning of 2016 that focusses on enhancing the opportunity of receiving and acquiring financing for the medium , small and very small sized projects, and enabling a credit line worth 3 million dollars in the start of 2018 with the goal of strengthening the role of The Union of Cooperative Associations for Saving and Credit (UCASC), let’s not forget providing small grants for young entrepreneurs, technical support, and training courses specialized for the projects that are within Start-Up Palestine.