Facts and Numbers
Facts and numbers for 2021
- The unemployment rate in Palestine for the third quarter of 2021 is 27%
Facts and numbers for Third Quarter -2021
- The unemployment rate in Palestine is 27% (the total number of the unemployed in Palestine is 389 thousand (253 thousand in Gaza Strip and 136 thousand in the West Bank).
- The unemployment rate reached 50% in Gaza Strip compared to 15% in the West Bank.
- The rate of participation in the labor force in Palestine reached 44% of the total manpower.
- The female participation rate in the labor force is 18%, while it is 69% for males.
- The year 2021 showed a growth in the percentage of workers in the local market by 5%.
- The number of workers in Israel and Israeli settlements reached 145 thousand.
- 73% of employed persons are wage employees, 23% of employed persons are self-employed and employers.
- The percentage of salaried employees without a work contract in the private sector is 50%.
- The number wage earners less than the minimum wage (1450 NIS) reached 28%.